First of all, I kicked off my spring break by participating in the Briar Chapel Earth Day 5k on Saturday, April 12. I've been aware of this race for some time but have never participated. It was definitely an enjoyable experience, and while it wasn't my best time, I did improve a few minutes over my last race in March.
Second of all, I participated in the 21 day challenge. If you're unfamiliar, you can read all about it in my organizing and housekeeping blog. My wonderful dad came over and helped add three shelves to our cramped and disorganized linen closet. We also cleaned, scrubbed and created a giant "donation" pile. The super spring cleaning extravaganza is not quite over- we are installing closet organizers in E's room and the guest bed, as well as re-organizing mine and the hub's closet. Plus, my awesome daddy and I are adding shelves to my craft supply cabinet as well. Our home is finally coming together- we've lived there almost a year but we just haven't had the free time to accomplish everything we've wanted to do.
Thirdly, we celebrated Easter with what was honestly the best Easter service I have ever attended. The message was amazing, the music soul-stirring and I was richly blessed during the service. My baby girl looked beautiful and my husband looked handsome. We visited grandparents for Easter and spent some much needed time as a family.
While we didn't travel anywhere, we didn't have an action-packed, fast paced spring break, we did accomplish a lot and manage to spend some wonderful moments together. I wouldn't have it any other way. Countin' many blessings, indeed!
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