Monday, April 20, 2015

Still Alive

This blog has been really neglected lately. We are having a very busy school year with lots of adjustments and I just haven't had time to keep up two blogs. So, this one fell by the wayside and I continued to update Organized and Simplified, as it is a secondary source of income. Our lives are busy and full, and we continue to be blessed daily. In recent months, the biggest blessings we have received are the the fact that my dad's cancer markers are dropping, and Emorie's little brother or sister, who is set to arrive sometime around November 23, which is my dad's birthday.

Thanks for your continued prayers. God is good.


  1. Oh God is VERY good indeed! The most wonderful kind of "Congratulations!" are in order. I will be keeping you and this lovely little one in prayer. Have a wonderful weekend dear one!

  2. Thank you for praying for us. We are pretty excited.

    Have a good weekend :)
