Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturdays are lazy days.

I used to clean the house on Saturdays, but by the time I'd get finished, it was too late to do anything. Now I try to get the bulk of the chores done on weeknights so we can have our Saturdays for family time.

This weekend was spent visiting family. My grandmother came to town, so we spent Friday evening with my parents and grandmother. My dad recently finished his last radiation treatment, so we had cause to celebrate. We went to dinner and spent some time visiting.

Saturday morning, we slept in and then the three of us got haircuts. Emorie spent some quality time with her grandparents while I tackled some of the tasks on my spring cleaning list. We finished off our Saturday visiting Michael's grandparents.

Sunday, we went to church and then finished out our weekend having dinner at Olive Garden!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!

Welcome to our new blog!

I regularly posted in our old blog, until I began to get burned out. I decided to take a brief hiatus, but the brief hiatus turned into almost a year.

So much has happened in that time. We have sold our house on Candlewood and bought a house with more room both inside and out. I am now almost finished with my fifth year teaching (my third in middle school), my husband just entered his tenth year at his job, and our little girl is getting ready to turn three. I've also started running again, have begun running 5ks and half marathons, and have lost fifteen pounds (bye bye, baby weight!)

More changes are on the horizon, and since so much had changed already, Lollipops and Ladybugs will exist now only as Emorie's electronic baby book.

You can read all about our new journeys here! And if you are looking for my organizing blog, you can find it here.